Storytime Johnson Public Library

Past event
Sep 18, 2013, 10 AM

The Vermont Center for the Book says : “Reading to even the youngest child will: *Introduce sounds, words and language *Provide a chance for closeness and cuddling *Instill a love of books and language *Stimulate children’s imaginations *Bridge the gap between adults and children *Open up new worlds * Make children want to learn to read because it helps them love books”

As a way to promote reading to young children, the Johnson Public library offers a FREE weekly Storytime that is geared for children ages 0 to 6 years.

During Story time we engage children in singing songs, doing fingerplays, reading stories together and doing a craft each week.

Storytime also provides a time for children to play and for parents to socialize with one another.

Please join us Wednesdays from 10-11am.

Johnson Public Library 635-7141

This Wednesdays Storytime will be about Autumn. We will sing songs, do fingerplays, a craft and read stories.

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