Burlington Chamber Orchestra Concert Oct. 10

Past event
Oct 10, 2015, 7:30 to 9:30 PM

Dear Neighbors-

As a violinist in the Burlington Chamber Orchestra - I invite you to come to our Fall Concert this Saturday, October 10th at 7:30 PM at the University of Vermont Recital Hall. Please join the BCO’s new Artistic Director Yutaka Kono conducting Warlock's Capriol Suite; Bach's Concerto for violin & oboe with Katie Oprea & Letitia Quante; and Karl Jenkins' Passacaglia, and Tchaikovsky's String Serenade. Advance tickets can be purchased through Flynntix.org or by calling 802-86-Flynn. Tickets will also be available at the door on the night of the performance. Please visit http://www.bcovt.org

Looking forward to seeing many classical music lovers there!

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