"Happiness Habits" Potluck and Presentation

Past event
Oct 9, 2015

Hi all,

My positive psychology friend and colleague Braco Probic is coming to Vermont this weekend to offer free workshops on the how's and why's of happiness habits. The presentations are based on his book, "Habits and Happiness: How To Become Happier and Improve Your Wellbeing by Changing Your Habits."

This Friday, October 9th, the Kellogg-Hubbard Library is sponsoring Braco's presentation from noon till one.

Friday evening, starting at 6 PM, you can join the fun at a potluck at the Maple Corner Community Center. Braco's presentation will follow dinner.

In both cases, he will have a book sale and signing.

Braco is a lovely, energetic, interesting and wise man. I hope you all can join me in welcoming him to our community, and profiting from his wisdom.

Ginny Sassaman

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