On Friday 9 October, the Friends of Green River Reservoir will sponsor a program on New Frontiers in Animal Migration: how winged creatures travel thousands of miles given by Bryan Pfeiffer, well-known photographer and naturalist.
The talk will be at 7:00 pm at the Lamoille Union High School’s Tech Center in Hyde Park and is free and open to the public. Reporting from the frontiers of migration, naturalist and photographer Bryan Pfeiffer will reveal the secrets of migration from the perspective of a bird (Blackpoll Warbler), a butterfly (Monarch) and a dragonfly (Wandering Glider). With Bryan's images, stories and humor, you'll discover what the latest research tells us about how animals migrate to survive. For more on the talk see FGRR’s website at www.fgrrvt.org.
Mar 10, 2025, 4:30 to 6 PM
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