Yard Sale, Mt. Philo Rd, Oct. 3

Past event
Oct 3, 2015

We are having a YARD SALE this Saturday, October 3rd from 9:00-1:30
Location: 24 Mt. Philo Rd. Charlotte

Items include:
Antiques & Vintage goods
Furniture: Pine dresser, amazing Mid-Century side board that pulls out to a dining room table (great for Thanksgiving), Mid century chair, Oak office chair, beautiful square dining table,
two matching round tables, table top cabinet with 4 drawers, vintage suitcases, wicker coffee table, Stokke wood toddler chair, and more……
Kids toys including LEGOS, stuffed animals, Youth Drum Set, cars, track, etc.
Kids work table
Ikea CD/bookcase
Great misc. items!

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