Clean-Up and Work Event at Headwaters Park

Past event
Oct 5, 2015, 5 to 6:30 PM

Work Event at Bennington’s Newest Park
The Friends of The Greenberg Headwaters Park (formerly known as Walloomsac Headwaters Park and Natural Area) will hold a clean up and work event at the Park on Monday, October 5th, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm (about sunset). We will meet at the Beech Street ball field, where we will split up into two or three work parties. Bring work gloves and wear sturdy shoes. Trash bags will be provided.

The 168-acre Park was purchased by the Town of Bennington in March 2015, and is protected by a permanent conservation easement held by the Vermont Land Trust. It is accessible from Beech Street and Morgan Street and is situated along Jewett Brook, South Stream, and the Walloomsac River. Miles of trails and open watercourses provide present and potential opportunities for hiking, biking, kayaking, fishing, bird watching, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, and other non-motorized activities. The Friends and the Town of Bennington are crafting a final management plan for the Park, which will guide the Town in improving and developing recreational amenities there.

For more information about the work event or Headwaters Park, contact the Bennington County Conservation District at 802-442-2275 or

Rain (but not showers) will cancel the event.

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