Qi Gong Class Begins Wednesday

Past event
Oct 7, 2015, 6 to 7 PM

A new Qi Gong series begins next Wednesday October 7, 6 - 7pm, at the Clothespin Factory, 1 Granite Street, Montpelier.
We'll learn "Dao Yin Shen Gong". Wear comfortable clothing, 3 weeks for $30.
Qi Gong is a "wellness" practice: We do it to cultivate good health, aka reduce stress. The relaxed, easy movements are meditative, which is great for slowing a fast paced mind. You don't burn many calories, but that's not the goal... Do you remember what it's like to have a quieter mind?
For more information you can email me, or visit MontpelierQiGong.com

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