Cooperative Housing Forum

Past event
Oct 3, 2015, 2 to 5 PM

Home Sweet Housing Co-op: Affordability, Community, and Self-Determination

One of Burlington’s best-kept housing secrets is about to become better known!

On Saturday, October 3rd, leaders of housing cooperatives in Vermont and Montreal will explain how their co-ops work and why they love them. The co-ops offer self-determination, security, and a unique form of community. They may have 18 households or 100, but whatever their size and shape, they are democratically run by their members.

Burlington has had co-ops for over 20 years and Montreal for over 30, and new ones keep forming. This year, residents of the Farrington mobile home park formed the North Avenue Co-op to buy their land, and a new apartment co-op is being built on Bright Street in the Old North End.

Bonus: Come early to learn about Vermont co-ops of all kinds! A co-op business fair starts at 2pm in the lobby of City Hall.

2 – 3 pm​ Co-op business fair
3 – 5 pm​ Home Sweet Housing Co-op: A Public Forum
Contois Auditorium, Burlington City Hall,
149 Church Street

Organized by Champlain Housing Trust and the Mobile Home Program of CVOEO in celebration of National Cooperatives Month.
Co-sponsored by the City of Burlington’s Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO) and by City Market/Onion River Co-op.

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