Camels Hump Nordic Fall 5 K Hike, Bike, Run!

Past event
Sep 26, 2015

Come on up to Camels Hump Nordic Center at 1000 on September 26th to hike, run, or mountain bike some of our favorite trails. Bring a picnic. The “Bombadils” will provide live music at the finish.

Course is about 5 kilometers starting at our Hut at the top of Bert White Road, and finishing at beautiful Windekind Farm (a short way further along Bert White Road).


For those familiar with the trails the course: Start at Hut- cross road to Marijkas- down Jackrabbit-around the meadow-up Dead River - left on Big Baldy- over (or around on Bear Scat) Cobble Hill- left on Skunk Brook-right at Madrid Junction-finish at Windekind split rail fence.

You can download a trail map at the CHNSA website,

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