Danby Planning Commission
Meeting: 9/21/15, Monday:
At 530pm – Village area property owners meet 1on1 with State Team re: their projects. Meet at 34 South Main Street (The SL Griffith Store)
At 630pm – Regular Meeting at Town Office on Brook Road
All members of the public are welcome to attend.
530PM Gathering – if you’re a resident of the village, come and discuss your in-progress / upcoming projects to determine potential benefits you could obtain from the Village Designation program – Richard Amore from Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development, Community Planning and Revitalization will be present to provide his input.
The agenda for the regular meeting at 630pm will include:
First 30 minutes:
Richard Amore will present benefits of Village Designation to the Commission and public
Balance of meeting:
Last meeting minutes approved
Agenda Approved
Updates from each sub-committee on plan implementation progress
Town website prototype for feedback
Other business