Workshop/Class - You Are a Soul Song

Past event
Oct 1, 2015, 6:30 to 8 PM

Hello Friends,
My name is Donna Dia Lowre and I am teaching a 4 week class beginning Oct. 1st in Danville at the Community Center.
I am a professional singer,actress,director and spiritual teacher who has been teaching classes for over 25 years to people from 4-94! My experience is extensive in theater,TV and spiritual healing.
I will be accepting only 10 students so each person can be given the time and attention from me and the group to find their song as we become a family group.
You do not need to be a singer to take the class. And even if you think you cannot sing, you are invited to attend. You will find your song.
Contact me to sign up or for more information. I look forward to talking with you.

You Are A Soul Song
(A workshop created by Donna Dia Lowre)


To find the beautiful song that is unique within their heart and soul. To build confidence and self- love through meditation, singing and movement. To allow for freedom of expression, for their inner spirit to flow freely in a safe and loving environment. To discover their own uniqueness and accept the uniqueness of others. And of course, to have fun!


 Yoga- simple exercises for relaxation and building physical strength and a sense of safety that we are a family group supporting and playing with each other.
 Meditation to relax the mind body and spirit to open the heart to all possibilities of creativity
 Improvisation-in movement. Each person makes a move that feels good to her. We follow along.
 Improvisation- in singing. We begin by making sounds that become singing notes which eventually will become a person’s “soul song”. The singing spontaneously comes out through their own unique expression of who they are.
 Each person discovers their signature soul song (and dance) and performs it for the family group.


The workshop would be once a week for four-six weeks.
It would be 1-1 ½ hours log depending on the age and energy of the group.

$40 for 4 week class. We will extend two weeks if the group is able.

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