Newport City Democratic Caucus Mon, 9/21, 5:30pm, City Council Room
Newport City Democratic Caucus It happens every 2 years - town committees from each political party have to meet and decide who wants to be the chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer.
There must be a minimum of 3 registered voters (who are registered in Newport City) attending in order to fulfill the obligations to the Secretary of State and Newport City Clerk. This caucus allows a town committee to nominate a Democratic slate of Justice of the Peace candidates the following year. Without a caucus, or without the required minimum attendees, all JP candidates wanting to run as Democrats next year would have to wage their own write-in campaigns, and no one wants THAT to happen.
Will you come? It'll take 15-30 minutes.
RSVP to Julie Raboin, Newport City chair, Democratic Party, 802.334.7910, or just show up When: Mon Sep 21, 2015, 5:30 - 6pm Where: 222 Main Street, Newport, VT, United States - City Council room