A message from Judy Clifford:
Walden's Fall Foliage Day is approaching. Many in Walden have given of time and talent over the years. We'd like to make this more of a Community Day - more talented people participating. Our school children come by in the morning and we'd like to offer more action exhibits, more farm animals and more interaction in the community. We offer tours in the afternoon to the businesses nestled in the Walden hills, to cemeteries for historic talks about our heritage, to scenic spots to share our amazing color.
Meetings are so hard to plan with all our busy schedules, but we'd appreciate your help. Monday, September 28 is the actual event day, but planning is ongoing and if you can volunteer to help for registration, have a traditional craft or could share knowledge, have farm animals you would share for the morning, help at lunch, volunteer at dinner or have amazing suggestions for tours...........please contact Judy Clifford, budjudysquaremoo@aol.com or 563-2777, 793-5011.