Pownal Democratic Party Caucus
September 21, 2015
7:00 PM
Town Office on Center Street
Please mark your calendar and bring your friends and neighbors to the Pownal Democratic Party Caucus. There are important elections coming up in 2016 locally, statewide and nationally. With your help we can elect leaders who will work for the people and carry our state and country forward. Any registered voter of the Pownal, who has not participated in the caucus process of another political party, is invited to attend.
The purpose of the caucus is to elect the Pownal Democratic Committee and its officers as well as the Country Committee Members.
Immediately following the Pownal Democratic Party Caucus, the newly elected committee will hold its first organizational meeting.
If you have any questions please call 802-681-3692. Hope to see you on September 21st.
Rose-Marie Pelletier
Chair of Pownal Democratic Committee