The caucus to reorganize the Cabot Democratic Town Committee for the next two years will be Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Cabot Historical Society museum building (next to the Cabot United Church), Main St. (Rte. 215) in the village of Cabot.
Towns with organized committees send voting delegates to Democratic county, state and national committees, recruit Justices of the Peace candidates and recommend candidates to fill unexpired terms of vacant elected offices.
Cabot elects 5 officers: Committee Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, plus 3 voting members of the Washington Count Democratic Committee.
Any registered Cabot voters who consider themselves Democrats are invited to join our caucus, be part of the town committee and run for one or more of these positions. (A person may hold multiple positions, but cannot be not both Chair and Vice-Chair or both Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.) Members of the Cabot Democratic Committee cannot be part of the caucus of another political party.
Please come to this brief meeting. Inform friends and neighbors who may be interested, so we can fill all offices.
Phone me at 563-3396 if you have questions.
Peter Dannenberg,
Cabot Democrats, Town Chair
Mar 6, 2025, 6 to 8 PM
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