Home Weatherization Presentation and More

Past event
Sep 16, 2015

The Craftsbury Energy Committee is sponsoring two drawings for two FREE Home Energy Audits, worth up to $500 each!!!

The first drawing will be held on Wed., Sept. 16th at our Home Weatherization and Weatherization Financing info. meeting at the Craftsbury Public Library, at 6:45 PM. The second drawing will be held at our Wed., Oct. 21st info meeting on Heat Pumps, also at the Library.

These drawings are free and open to the public!

You can register for one of the free Home Energy Audits by signing up at our info table at the Craftsbury Recycle Center on three different Sat. mornings, - Sat., 9/5, Sat., 9/12, and Sat., 10/17.

Or you can sign up for the free audit at the Wed., 9/16 Home Weatherization and Weatherization Financing info meeting, or at the Wed., 10/21 Heat Pump info. meeting.

Restrictions: - One winner per household - One registration per household - The home energy audit must be performed by an Efficiency Vt. state certified Home Energy Auditor - Maximum $400 to be paid to the certified auditor of your choice, with another $100 incentive from Efficiency Vt. once the audit is finished ​ - No ​Craftsbury Energy Committee members or their family are allowed to enter the drawing - The Free Home Energy Audits are worth up to $500. The average energy audit for a 2,500 sq. ft. home will cost $500. If the auditors cost is above the $500 the home owner would have to pay the balance due.

We are very happy to announce that we have received financial donations for these two free audits from Pete's Greens, Sterling College, Concept II (Parent company of the Craftsbury Outdoor Center), the Craftsbury General Store and the Craftsbury "C" Store.

Thank you sponsors for helping to bring awareness and action to the need for energy conservation and renewable energy production!!​

Mark Snyder from the Craftsbury / Greensboro area, will be presenting the weatherization program on 9/16. Mark is an Efficiency Vt. state certified Home Energy Auditor and a home weatherization installer with many years in the weatherization field and the house construction field as a contractor.

Efficiency Vt. gives home weatherization incentives for air sealing and insulation up to $2,500. And up to $500 for replacing an old heating system. You can see their incentives on their web site: https://www.efficiencyvermont.com/for-my-home/ways-to-save-and-rebates/audits-insulation-air[...]tes

Mark Kelley, from Efficiency Vermont, will be our second presenter on Wed. 9/16. He will be sharing ways to finance weatherization for potentially 0% Interest through the state's "Heat Saver Loan Program" and other programs to finance home energy conservation and Renewable Energy. For more info go to: http://www.efficiencyvermont.com/For-My-Home/Financing/Financing/heat-saver-loan

If you would like to be on our email notification list for upcoming informational meetings, please contact: Craftsbury Energy Committee

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