A Fleeting Animal, an Opera from Judevine

Past event
Sep 13, 2015, 4 PM

As a Board member of Right Here Productions, I hope you will join me as A FLEETING ANIMAL, an opera from JUDEVINE with music by Erik Nielsen and libretto by David Budbill comes to six locations over the next two weekends including the Barre Opera House on September 11th at 7:30 pm and the Hardwick Town House on Sunday afternoon September 13th at 4:00 pm. Tickets for all performances are available by contacting the Barre Opera House at 802-476-8188. We are extremely fortunate to have an outstanding cast and wonderful musicians including Craftsbury's Mary Rowell.

This tragic love story of a returning veteran and a struggling and misunderstood single mother, A FLEETING ANIMAL is timeless in its themes: the harm of individual isolation and the possibility of human redemption. Like all great operas, it has passion, humor, and tragedy with music inspired by French Canadian fiddle tunes, the blues, jazz, and other contemporary styles. A FLEETING ANIMAL appeals to a broad audience including those who might not normally attend an opera. (With emotionally intense and realistic themes including four simulated gunshots, it may not be suitable for all audiences.) After the performance, there will be a talk-back session with Erik, David, and representatives from veterans' communities. Learn more about special discounts for veterans and students at www.afleetinganimal.com

In conjunction with this production, much work is being done with veterans' support organizations. Also, there are art shows at the Chandler Center and the Barre Opera House including art submitted by veterans.

A FLEETING ANIMAL has been a very exciting and rewarding experience for me over the past year and a half!

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