The next Newbury Book Discussion Group will meet Thursday, Oct. 1 at 7 PM at the Tenney Memorial Library. The book we are reading this month is "The Arsonist" by Sue Miller. According to Kirkus Reviews: "As a series of fires in a small New Hampshire town exposes tensions between summer and year-round residents, the members of one in-between family confront their own desires, limitations and capacities to love in Miller's latest (novel)...." Copies of the book are available through interlibrary loan from your local library. Our group always welcomes new members!
Mar 5, 2025, 11 AM to 2 PM
St. Johnsbury Community Bluegrass JamMar 5, 2025, 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Harm Reduction HeroesMar 8, 2025, 12:30 to 2 PM