Preview of Sept. 8 City Council Meeting and More

Past event
Sep 8, 2015, 7 to 9 PM

Dear Neighbors,

I’ve got a few updates before I get to the Council meeting preview.

Blue Newsletter. You should have received a blue newsletter from me in the mail either Friday or Saturday. There is a lot of information in this letter: an update on the roundabout, the Cliff Street sidewalk, City finances, waterfront projects, the mall redevelopment, residential parking, quality of life concerns, the City’s pension and a few other initiatives I am working on as one of your Councilors. If you did not get one, I can either drop it by your home or email you the pdf. Please let me know and I’ll get one to you.

Our newest Ward 6 residents. This past Monday, our new Police Chief Brandon del Pozo, his wife Sarah Carnevale and their sons, Zane and Rex, moved to a home on South Union Street. I hope you will join me in welcoming them to our neighborhood.

Residential Parking Study. The parking advisory meeting that was scheduled for last week was postponed. While it was postponed due it not being properly warned, that postponement was fortuitous in that DPW staff and others feel it best to have a more global discussion about parking with a greater effort placed on looking at both downtown and residential parking jointly. I will update you on further meetings in the weeks to come.

Concerns after hours around Champlain College. If there are incidents, day or night, with student concerns related to Champlain College, you can call Campus Public Security at 865-6465. I have been assured that you will speak with a person anytime who will respond to the complaint, investigate and write a report to the Student Conduct Officer, Donna Swartout. Donna’s direct number is 865-6428 and she is available during work hours. If you have concerns or further questions, you can contact her directly.

Now to the Council meeting preview….

On Tuesday, the City Council will hold the first of two meetings for the month of September. The Council will begin its evening with a brief Local Control Commission meeting set to begin at 7pm. We will call to order our regular City Council meeting immediately thereafter.

We will begin our evening by hearing annual reports from the Airport Commission, the Conservation Board and the Retirement Board. We have two permits to vote on, an indoor and outdoor entertainment permit for Zero Gravity on Pine Street.

We will then be discussing and voting on an authorization for execution of a Development Agreement between the City and the Community Sailing Center. The Board of Finance met last week and voted to approve this Agreement.

We have two resolutions to vote on Tuesday evening. One concerns the downtown and residential parking plans and the other concerns drug trafficking. We will also be getting a legal opinion from the City Attorney on the issue of the division of authority between the Public Works Commission and the City Council in response to the parking studies and possible changes.

Our last items on our agenda are Council committee reports, comments from Councilors and the Mayor. As with all Council meetings, please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm. Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website: All Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. Please email or give me a call over the weekend or on Monday.

I hope you all enjoy a terrific Labor Day weekend.

My best,

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