NPA Sept. 9

Past event
Sep 9, 2015

Sept 9 NPA 7pm Lakeside Champlain College Bldg

Please come
Questions, ask Carolyn Bates
20 Caroline ST.

Enterprise Zone is only 4% of the entire city. It never has had housing. It is our ONLY area to have noisy, smelly, wonderfully active spaces for industry. And we need JOBS in the city as well as housing. Housing has always been “next door” to industry in the other 96% of the city. Lets leave it as it is now zoned. Please come and support this.

The South End Alliance is on the agenda for the Neighborhood Planning Assembly meeting on September 9th, and we really need to make sure we get out as many residents and business-owners there as possible to get the word out that people in ward 5 don't want the industrial zoning changed to allow housing in the Enterprise District, and that we want a real steering committee of diverse stakeholders put in place to review and revise Plan BTV South End (the commission which was supposed to be the steering committee has spent less than 6 hours on this in the last 21 months!). Please, please, please come and spread the word to your residents in Ward 5. These NPA meetings are very important. Your councilors will be there and it is a chance to tell them directly what you want for your ward.

​Thanks for tuning in at this crucial moment.

Thanks, Genese​

Genese Grill, PhD
genese grill

Carolyn L. Bates Photography
ADDRESS: PO Box 1205, Burlington, VT 05402
Phone: (802) 238-4213

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