The Planning Commission is holding another hearing to eliminate the RPD-I on Thursday, September 19, at 6:30pm, at the Town Offices. The RPD-I is the Resource Preservation District-Industrial zone, the special zone created in 1978 to protect and conserve the lands in the Saxon Hill Forest.
- Residential zoning was never allowed in the RPD-I previously.
-The location of the proposed residential zoning goes against all of the “smart growth” that was supposed to be the focus of our town planning.
-The addition of 164 homes will add traffic to Rte 117, Sand Hill Rd. and Allen Martin Dr.
-The second exit for this residential development will also impact existing neighborhoods and traffic.
-The plan will cause the loss of 40 acres of industrial land to the town. Industrial development
helps lower taxes and there is not a lot of undeveloped industrial land left in Chittenden County.
-What effect will clear cutting 45 acres of forest have on water quality? Will it create more storm water issues?
If you are opposed to these changes, or if you think this is not the best plan the town could develop, plan to come to this meeting.
The next step in this process is meetings for the Select Board to hear from citizens later this month. Be part of the process, make your views known.
Mar 14, 2025, 8:30 to 9:30 AM
St. Patrick's Day Dinner & FundraiserMar 15, 2025, 5 PM
Argentine Tango-Dance and Premier Teacher from NYCMar 15, 2025, 6 to 10 PM