Welcome to the new school year! Calling all people who enjoy nature and sharing the joy with children from Bakersfield, Berkshire and Enosburg. Consider becoming a Four Winds classroom volunteer this year. (http://fwni.org/Volunteer.html)
The first volunteer training is Tuesday Sept 8th 12 noon at Enosburg Elementary (EES) and topic is spiders: weavers and wanderers. The unit for the year is structure and function. Please come to the training and learn more about this hands-on nature education program.
The volunteer training sessions for this school year will be on Tuesdays 12 noon at EES on the following dates/topics: October 13 Grasses and Grains, November 10 Predators and Prey, January 12 Skull Sleuthing, March 8 Calling all Owls, and April 12 Buzz on Bees. Hope to see you there and spread the word that more volunteers are needed for this super science program! Reply to this post for more information.