According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 73% of students at Mount Anthony Union High School did not drink alcohol or smoke marijuana in the past 30 days.
These numbers are positive, but there is much work to be done to reduce youth use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco in the region. Many of you are already working on strategies to address these issues. Thank you for your dedication and passion for our communities and the hard work you have accomplished.
The Alliance for Community Transformations would like to extend a special invitation to participate in a comprehensive retreat on issues of substance use and building healthy communities on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM at the Barn at the Bennington Monument.
We are pleased to announce that sign language interpreter services are available for this event by request. Please contact Nevin Lessard at 802-447-0713 x 6 or for assistance.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
9:00 - 2:00 PM
1 Monument Circle Drive
Bennington, VT 05201
Meals will be provided
No cost to register
Sign language interpreter services are available.
Advance registration is required to attend
As a part of the registration process, we will ask that you provide information about your organization, program or projects to share with other participants.
At this retreat, you will:
Gain a first look at results of recent community substance abuse assessment work completed in Bennington County
Provide valuable input to proposed strategies to improve outcomes in the region
Build strong collaborations with other organizations, businesses and individuals with similar goals
Please visit our website at to register
or contact for more info:
Nevin Lessard: 802.442.0713 x 6
We hope that you will strongly consider attending or sending a representative if you are unable to join us for this important event.
The Alliance for Community Transformations (ACT) is a community-based, grassroots collective of people who are working together on projects to improve the health of our communities.
Our mission: To prevent first time substance abuse among youth, reduce its use across all ages and to actively contribute to promoting increased wellness and health for all across the lifespan in the “Southshire” region of Bennington County.
Our Vision: A region that actively works together to empower, mobilize and inspire one another to act in collaboration towards greater health and sustainable change.
This event is funded with financial support of the Drug-Free Communities Mentoring Grant Program through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Agency of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.