With fall approaching and kids back in school soon etc, its time to get serious about that talent you've always had for being intuitive and helping people. Energy Healing is an art that can be developed so much quicker in a group with great feedback. I am a student at Wilderness Fusion and have been going there for about 3 years... It is an amazing place! The first 3 years have been about learning about yourself - how you perceive things. Do you 'see' things? Do you feel something in your body? Do you get a metallic taste when there is a liver issue in someone? We are all unique... So to be a better healer, one has to first learn the language that is unique to each of us. Sometimes, we get in our own way. We need to be able to discern when that communication is polluted by our own issues etc. These are all incredibly important to being an effective healer! This is done in such a gentle nurturing community...
This is not Reiki... but like Reiki, it has its own lineage. It places great importance on nature and power of place. Ideally, healings take the form of a walk with a client until they find a place that calls to them. The healing is then done there, bringing in the energy of nature to accomplish a truly amazing healing. It can also be done indoors, as it will be when we have a demo choosing a client at random from the attendees.
Come hear about this very special training. Its time to hone those energy healing skills and make an even more effective change in this world.
The talk / demo is free. September 23 from 6-9pm at the Christ Church Auditorium on state st. Upstairs. Please register so we know you are coming and can prepare light snacks etc and have adequate seating. To register, email me or Lanie at registrar@wildernessfusion.com Feel free to email me for more info. I am a student, not gaining anything from you signing up. I just know what a difference this training has made in my life and would like to see more people participate. The talk is free and there is no pressure. You don't need to pressure anyone if its the right opportunity :) You are welcome to come even if you just want to learn about this form of energy healing and are not interested in the training for now.
Jan 16, 2025, 6 to 9 PM
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