Art & Poetry: Reception for Fitch and Olson

Past event
Sep 4, 2015

“Interior Spaces” an art and poetry exhibition will be showing at the Jaquith Public Library in Marshfield, Old Schoolhouse Common, 122 School Street, through September 26. This Friday, September 4, a reception will be held for painter Diane Fitch and poet Sherry Olson at 6 pm at the library.

Diane grew up in Calais. She studied art with Charles Bohn at Spaulding High School, received a BFA in Painting from the Portland School of Art in Portland, Maine and an MFA from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She is professor emeritus at Wright State University, in Dayton, Ohio, where she taught painting and drawing. She also taught a summer landscape course in Italy for several years. Most recently her work has been shown at the Glen House Gallery in Yellow Springs, Ohio, at the First Street Gallery in New York, the Gallery at Somes Sound in Mt Desert, Maine, and at the Fifth Street Gallery in Dayton, Ohio. She returned to Vermont in 2011. Sherry, of Plainfield, won the 2009 Ralph Nading Hill, Jr. literary prize, awarded annually by Green Mountain Power and VT Life Magazine, for her poem “The Paper Cutter” which describes Ben Corliss of E. Calais. Olson grew up in North Carolina and Kentucky, received her BA from Earlham College and worked as a teacher and volunteer coordinator for Central VT Adult Basic Education for more than 15 years. She leads poetry workshops and reading discussion groups for people of all ages, some under the auspices of the VT Humanities Council. Her first book of poetry “Breakfast at the Wayside” came out in 2000. Please join the artists for refreshments on Friday at 6 pm. Sherry will read from her work at 7 pm.

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