Hey all: This came across my CAN neighborhood email list, thought it might be interesting for some of you. I'm not the contact, please scroll to bottom to see contact information.
Join our People’s Budget Workshops!
Monday, September 16, 2013
6:30 pm at the Lane Shops Community Room
Vermont needs a People’s Budget based on human rights!
Why are so many of us struggling to meet our fundamental needs? The people of Vermont have suffered from several years of cuts to public services and programs that are essential for ensuring our basic human rights to healthcare, housing, food, education, jobs and a dignified standard of living.
It is time to end this human rights crisis in Vermont!
Join the People’s Budget Campaign for a budget that puts people’s needs and rights first!
Our People’s Budget Campaign achieved its first success last year: Vermont is now required by law to develop a budget that addresses needs, advances equity and dignity, and enables people's participation.
Join us in discussing how we can hold our government accountable for making this a reality!
Workshop participants will also hear about “participatory budgeting” around the world and in New York City, where communities have been deciding how to spend $15 million of public money. We will look at participatory budgeting as one aspect of a People’s Budget based on human rights. Presenting will be Vincent Villano, a national expert on participatory budgeting. Vincent managed the introduction of participatory budgeting in New York City as a co-chair of the PBNYC Steering Committee, and he spearheaded the expansion of the process from 4 to 10 Council Districts. In his remarks, Vincent will reflect on the popularity of participatory budgeting in NYC and around the world, and compare this to the campaign for a People's Budget in Vermont and the new statutory requirements for a public participation process in budget and revenue policymaking.
Finally, we will review the People’s Budget Campaign’s first legislative success last year: Vermont is now required to develop a budget that addresses people’s needs, advances equity and dignity, and involves public participation. We will discuss what we can do to hold our government accountable for making this a reality.
Come explore how we can use human rights to change the way our state budget is decided. We will show our new short animated film, learn about participatory budgeting across the country, and discuss the campaign's next steps to ensure Vermont gets a People's Budget based on human rights!
CALL OR EMAIL IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS: cassandraedson@hotmail.com 229.1745
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