Event: Sept 26, 2015, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
With rates of prescription drug abuse and addiction rising in Vermont and the US, the September 26th "Prescription Drug Take-Back Day" is an opportunity to clean out medicine cabinets to make your home safe from theft, abuse, poisonings. Safely dispose of expired or unneeded medications. This addresses a vital public safety and public health issue.
Mark your calendar for NATIONAL PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE BACK DAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Washington County Sheriff W. Samuel Hill, in cooperation with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Central Vermont New Directions Coalition and the Vermont Department of Health Partnership For Success, has coordinated collection sites within Washington County.
Collection Sites:
Washington County Sheriff’s Department, 10 Elm Street, Montpelier, VT
Northfield Police Department, 110 Wall Street, Northfield, VT
Barre City Police Department, 15 Fourth Street, Barre City, VT
Kinney Drugs, 800 US Route 302, Berlin, VT
Kinney Drugs, 80 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT
Vermont State Police Middlesex, 1080 Route 2, Middlesex, VT
PILLS AND CAPSULES ONLY (No Liquids or Syringes)
Other collection sites around the country and information can be found at: http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback/index.html and www.cvndc.org
Feb 17, 2025, 6:30 to 8 PM
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