On the September 9th the WWSU board will allow 15 min for public input in regards to the school climate discussion. Eva Frankel the WWSU Chair has asked me to get a list of names of people to speak and to have agenda topics. I will offer to speak on behalf of people that have concerns and that we limit the topics to very specific ones.I am not looking to personally attack anyone, but for a community discussion to better our schools. This is the time that we need to gather input, to voice all concerns and to bring closure to this issue to move our community forward. Please pass the word to any one that has a concern. email me your thoughts, suggestions, or ideas or better yet let me know if you would like to come along to the meeting so that I can let the board know.
Feb 2, 6 PM to 6 PM, Feb 9, 2025
Special Writing Group SessionsFeb 6, 2025, 1:30 to 2:30 PM
Writing Class: Our Magnificent, Afflicted WorldFeb 7, 2025, 6 to 8 PM