VT ACT 46 was adopted this Spring, to little fanfare outside the School Board Set. But this legislation has many facets and implications that could and will affect our small schools and communities.
Statewide, towns are figuring out what could happen if they joined forces, linking formally with neighboring educational communities, versus what would happen if they remained at-large, eventually designated "orphan" in the eyes of the State. Where do we fit in there? Are we really unique? How? What options do we face? What are the repercussions of our choices?
If you think these are questions reserved for families with school-age children, consider this: school choice and the operation of an elementary school could affect your taxes, property value, the integrity of the community structure, and even, ultimately, the community's ability to survive.
Please, come join the discussion. We sincerely need your thoughtful questions, and your input. The forum is open to anyone interested, regardless of place of residence. The more, the better.
On hand to answer questions will be the West Windsor School Board, Principal Jenifer Aldrich, Superintendent David Baker, and CFO Ed Connors.This is the last in a series this summer sponsored by the towns of Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union (West Windsor, Hartland, Windsor, and Weathersfield).
Public Forum/Discussion of Act 46
Wednesday, August 26th, starting at 6:30 p.m.
West Windsor Town Hall, corner of Rte. 44 and Brownsville-Hartland Rd.
Childcare will be provided downstairs.
Inform yourself! Below are a few links to resources where you can find quite a lot of information about Act 46.
Questions? Feel free to contact one of us.
Art Keating (akeating@wsesu.net), Robert Young (ryoung@wsesu.net), or Elizabeth Burrows (elizabeth.burrows@wsesu.net)