The public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday 25 August 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Morristown Municipal Offices the Tegu Building’s Community Meeting Room at 43 Portland Street, Morrisville.
The proposed amendments to the Morrisville/ Morristown Zoning and Subdivision Bylaws are:
a.§205 Central Business Zone: various changes including moving uses from Conditional to Permitted
b.§210 Commercial Zone: various changes including design criteria to special requirements section
c.§215 Business Enterprise Zone: revise zone and add Auction Facility & Recreation Facility/Indoor uses
d.§220 Neighborhood Commercial Zone: delete zone entirely (to be replaced by COM & CB Zones)
e.§225 Mixed Office Residential Zone: various changes including removing large Group Homes use
f.§230 Industrial Zone: delete undefined and unnecessary Building Trades & Essential Services uses
g.§235 Special Use / Medical Zone: various minor changes including adding new PUD subdivision process
h.§240 Special Industrial Zone: various minor changes including adding new PUD subdivision process
i.§245 High Density Residential Zone: various changes including adding Transient Lodging Facility use
j.§250 Medium Density Residential Zone: various changes including removing large Group Homes use
k.§255 Low Density Residential Zone: various minor changes including adding PUD subdivision process
l.§260 Rural Residential Ag Zone: various minor changes including adding PUD subdivision process
m.§265 Lower Village Gateway Commercial Zone: delete zone entirely (to be replaced by COM Zone)
n.§270 Airport Business Zone: correct rear & side setbacks and revise design criteria in special requirements
o.§280 Innovation Zone: delete unnecessary Essential Services use
p.§345-§348 Prime Ag: delete existing bylaw because it is being replaced by new PUD subdivision process
q.§420-§421 Existing Small Lots: change exemption to make it more practical
r.§424 Residential Care or Group Homes: clarify definition for conditional allowance
s.§426.2 Ponds: amend pond bylaw to prohibit emergency spillways into or towards public right-of-ways
t.§473 Signs: increase sign sizes in zones along the Truck Route to 150sf
u.§502 Site Plan: minor revisions to site plan submittals & add stormwater bylaw for 20,000ft2 plus buildings
v.§510 PUD: delete existing PUD bylaw and replace with new PUD conservation subdivision bylaw
w.§639.3c-d: amend existing landscaping requirements for trees & delete reference to town street tree plan
x.§700-§860: make many changes to subdivision approval process including adding PUD subdivision option
y.Definitions: add definitions for Auction Facility / delete definitions for Bed & Breakfast, Building Trades, Construction Drawings, Dormitory, Educational Facility, Essential Services, Federal... Owned & Operated Institutions & Facilities, Geographic Information Systems, Group or Care Home, Loading Space, Mixed Use Residential/Commercial/Retail, Obstruction, Parks & Recreation, Planned Residential Development (PRD), Public Facility, Public Assembly, Public or Non Profit Parks & Recreation, Public Service and Utilities Facility, Religious Institutions, Resubdivision, Runaway, Umbrella, Wetland Buffer Zone, Wetland Contiguous / revise definitions for Community Facility, Dwelling Unit Two-Family, Dwelling Unit Multi-Family, Gas Station, LCPC, Lot Size, Street
z.§1000-§1140: make various district boundary changes to add the BE Zone to the Green Mtn Arena parcels, to add the Houle property on Rte 15 to the COM Zone, to add Buckwheat’s parcel 12-156 to the AB Zone, to delete and redistribute the NC & LVGC Zones and to make other changes included f