Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Workshop

Past event
Aug 28, 2015

The Economic Vitality Series continues with the Arts, Recreation and Entertainment sector. This workshop is next Friday August 28th from 1-3:30pm at Mad River Glen.

Businesses and organizations involved with arts, recreation and entertainment are encouraged to attend this workshop.

The Economic Vitality Series was created to engage business sectors (stakeholders) on the recommendations from the 2014 Mad River Valley Economic Study. The Economic Study recommendations included creating a recreation plan, increasing quantitative data for measuring economic indicators, addressing policy issues, implementing integrated economic thinking, identifying capital projects, researching a local options tax and enhancing inter-agency coordination.

The workshops are being held for 9 sectors of the local economy including dining and lodging, retail, food production, homeowner services, professional and technical services, financial activities and information, arts, entertainment and recreation, health care and wellness, and educational services. Each workshop is 2 ½ hours long and has been developed to create dialogue within the economic community.

The remaining workshops are:
August 28: Arts, entertainment and recreation, Mad River Glen, 1 to 3:30 p.m.
September 10: Health care and wellness, Round Barn, 3 to 5:30 p.m.
September 17: Food producers, Round Barn, 5 to 7:30 p.m.
September 24: Educational services, Moretown Elementary, 4 to 6:30 p.m.

To learn more about the Economic Vitality workshop series visit or contact Rebecca Baruzzi at 496-3409 at the Mad River Valley Chamber of Commerce.

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