Pollinator Walk - Aug 23

Past event
Aug 23, 2015, 1 to 3 PM

Come join John and Nancy Hayden at The Farm Between, an organic fruit nursery and fruit farm on Rte 15 between Cambridge and Jeffersonville, from 1pm - 3pm on Sunday, August 23rd. They will show how they support their pollinator partners by planting a variety of plants that provide nectar and pollen, building nesting habitat and farming without pesticides. We will also take a walk in their pollinator sanctuary for an insect safari. For more information visit www.thefarmbetween.com

This event is presented by the Cambridge Conservation Commission as part of the Experts in the Field series, made possible due to grant funding provided by the Association of Vermont Conservation Commissions. To RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1639338543002532/

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