Recently there has been a bit of local press about our area towns’ response to the VT State Legislature’s latest education bill, Act 46 (often referred to as “the consolidation bill”—though our legislators have named it “the unification bill”). This bill *will* have an impact on the community of West Windsor.
What can we do proactively? Are there any positives to the bill? What are the broader implications? What are other communities doing? Are we unique? How?
On Wednesday, August 26th, at 6:30, your West Windsor School Board, Principal, and Supervisory Union Superintendent will be on hand to present findings about Act 46, explore some options to pursue, and answer any questions you may have about what could come about in the coming years. This is the last in a series presented around the Supervisory Union neighborhood (West Windsor, Hartland, Windsor, Weathersfield).
Please, come and take part. We sincerely need your questions and input. Childcare will be provided.
Arm yourself with the facts. Below are a few links to resources where you can find quite a lot of information about Act 46.
Date: Wednesday, August 26th
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Town Hall, West Windsor
Questions? Contact Art Keating (, Elizabeth Burrows ( or Robert Young (