Attention Fairfielders: Wind Turbines Overlooking Fairfield Pond?

Past event
Aug 22, 2015, 1 to 4 PM

There are two meetings coming up that you will want to attend if you want to learn more about the pros and cons of wind turbines and how this proposed project might affect Fairfield:
Presented by Swanton neighbors of proposed wind project:
Swanton Wind Fair
Saturday, August 22, 2015
1 pm-4pm
Follow signs on Rocky Ridge Rd. (off from Rte 105)
Get information from Experts on Wind Energy, Wildlife, Water and Human Health
Meet neighbors of operating industrial wind turbines and citizens who have participated in the regulatory processes.
For More Information:
phone: 802-528-5242

Second Meeting: Informational Meeting presented by Northeast Wind and Travis Belisle at a date to be announced.
For More Information:

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