Yard Sale Aug. 22

Past event
Aug 22, 2015

Yard sale this Saturday, August 22nd 8am - 2pm at 16 Willey Street (Zan Street side of the house). T-shirts, women's like-new pants suits, dressers, tables, magnetic mattress pads, 110-volt apartment-sized clothing dryer, mobility scooter for parts, compost barrel, 6'x8' weathered cedar picket fence sections (never installed), a 1982 Honda Goldwing GL 1100, Ford FWD diesel tractor with bucket (runs), and more!

From downtown Barre:
Head north on Main Street, take a left onto Willey Street (over the small bridge), straight up the hill. Second house on the left.

From Barre-Montpelier Road:
Take a right onto Willey Street (over the small bridge), straight up the hill. Second house on the left.

Early birds pay triple :)

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