Looking for a place to start your plants for next year? The Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE) will hold a meeting August 26 for those interested in making use of a community hoop house at Atkins Field. A hoop house is a large greenhouse space, perfect for extending the short Vermont growing season.
The meeting will be at the CAE office on 140 Junction Road, behind Aubuchon Hardware, at 6 p.m. CAE plans to put up a hoop house at Atkins Field in October, pending zoning approval. The hoop house is a Harnois brand and will be 40 by 25 feet. It will be dedicated to the memory of Vernon Alper, a community gardener. CAE is looking for community members interested in using the hoop house, and for volunteers interested in helping to put it up.
CAE is a nonprofit organization which is dedicated to building a local food system that includes people, communities, businesses, schools and more. Atkins Field property is owned by the CAE, and this project is a part of more community-based shared use projects to come!
Anyone interested in finding out more can contact CAE Community Projects Coordinator Bethany M. Dunbar at bethany@hardwickagriculture.org or (802) 472-5362 ext. 204.