Hi Neighbors:
Looks like we have good weather and a great turnout for the Eastwoods annual neighborhood party. It's not to late to RSVP if you'd like to join us. We have a live band, a face painter, kids activities, beer, burgers, hot dogs and veggie burgers.
Contact me at jheidkamp@gmail.com with number of people coming, and how many hotdogs, burgers and veggie burgers your group will eat.
Other info: --I'm still looking for volunteers to take a 15 minute shift at the grill --we still need 1 or 2 folding tables --bring your own lawn chairs, bug spray, and a side dish or dessert that serves 8 - 10 to share.
The party is free --- however, this year for the first time we are asking for a voluntary contribution of any amount to the party fund, to keep the tradition alive in future years.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday! Give me a call at 802-238-5414 or send me an email with questions or comments.
--Joanne Heidkamp jheidkamp@gmail.com 802-238-5414 (c)