At the Music Box in Craftsbury Last Train to Zinkov will grace the stage on Sat. Aug. 29 at 8 PM.
Zinkov: a small town in rural Ukraine, and the ancestral hometown of the Gusakovs......With violin, viola, banjo, and vocals, David and Nathan Gusakov, father and son, create sparkling folk music that reflects their love of traditional Appalachian old-time, gypsy jazz, and swing, as well as their own Eastern European roots.
David Gusakov arrived in Vermont in 1973, joining the Vermont Symphony that year and bluegrass/swing band Pine Island the next. In the intervening 42 years he has been a full-time musician, playing with such groups as the Midnite Plowboys, Redwing, Swing Shift, Will Patton Ensemble, Swing Noire, and Michele Choiniere. At home in a wide variety of genres, he brings improvisatory flare and depth of feeling to everything he plays.
Nathan Gusakov lives in Lincoln, Vermont, near the headwaters of the New Haven River, where he makes his living as a carpenter, sugarmaker, and musician. Nate is self-taught on the banjo, and his first album of all-original music, Running Clear (2011), received praise for its “stellar claw hammer style banjo and rich lyricism”(Jamie Masefield, Jazz Mandolin Project).
Tickets are $10 at the door. Kids are free. For more about this duo and to listen to some tunes go to For more information call 586-7533 or
Mar 15, 2025, 9 AM to 12 PM
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