Poetry People Aug. 11

Past event
Aug 11, 2015, 7 to 8:30 PM


Once more,
It's time we meet
Days shortening
Nights losing heat
I know,
It's a Bummer
This setting of summer
As autumn creeps in on cat's feet.

To weather life's changes
We must
Tuesday night,
The 11th of August,
From 7 to 8:30 at the Varnum Library
Share words and make merry
Take a bite out of life
Or go bust.

Who knows where
Your heart will be lead
When words waltz
Around in your head
All are Welcomed
To attend
Come alone
Bring a friend
Taste a morsel of Poesy
With a chaser;
Laurie's Chocolate Bread.

Writing In Our Heads,
Laurie and LN

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