Meet a Goat! Feed a Chicken!

Past event
Aug 7, 10 AM to 4 PM, Aug 8, 2015

Pine Island Community Farm invites you to Open Farm Day Friday and Saturday from 10:00-4:00. Located just 15 minutes from here, Pine Island Community Farm supports New Americans who are raising goats, chickens and vegetables on a lovely farm in the crook of the Winooski River in Colchester. Come pay us a visit to learn more about this innovative peri-urban farm. We'll have activities for kids and adults alike including opportunities to meet our friendly goats, feed the chickens, taste nutritious recipes using common local weeds, and farm tours. Light snacks available for sale. You are welcome to bring your own picnic lunch. Hope to see you there!

Pine Island Community Farm: 1029 Pine Island Road, Colchester To reach the farm: navigate the Winooski traffic rectangle, and head north on Main Street. Just after the fire station, turn left on Union Street. Go down a few blocks to the traffic light and turn right on Mallets Bay Avenue. Go a couple of miles, passing a horse farm on your left and a cow farm on your right. About 1/2 mile further you will see Pine Island Road going off to the left. Take Pine Island to the very end of the road (about a mile) where you will see signs for parking in front of the garage.

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