The Fiske family will be having a two day garage sale this Sat. and Sun., August 8 & 9 from 9 am-5 pm at their home at 5244 Dodge Rd. in Cuttingsville, VT directly across from Stewart Ford. Please park down front and walk up the driveway. The sale will be in the back yard. For sale will be 2 small pond forms, boot trays, President CB radio, dishes, glassware, paperback books, knick-knacks, Breyer horses, bunny stuff, antique furniture, 2 Lane hope cedar chests, trunks, standing mirror, twin bed frame (antique), lots of pictures, oil paintings, garden stuff and much more!!! No clothes or kids things. Hand made quilts made by Lucille Fiske. NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE!!!
Mar 3, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Ludlow Town Meeting and VoteMar 3, 7 PM to 7 PM, Mar 4, 2025
Ash Wednesday Worship ServiceMar 5, 2025, 5 to 6 PM