"Everything is Awesome"
Or so it is sung in a very popular film that will be shown at the library at 4:00 p.m. on August 4th to celebrate the conclusion of another successful Summer Reading Program at RCML. For details go to http://www.pittsfieldlibrary.com/programs. RSVP: pittsfieldvtlibrary@gmail.com if you plan to attend.
And it would be really, really awesome if a few new or any seasoned volunteers would sign up to be "part of the team" and take a shift or two. There are plenty of openings and signing up is easy on the website, www.pittsfieldlibrary.com. Without volunteers, we don't open the door and a valuable public resource is wasted.
Don't want to be a volunteer? How about being a Trustee? Only one position available. Better act fast!
Speak to a Trustee or contact us at pittsfiledvtlibrary@gmail.com.