Wilder Memorial Library would like to welcome adults of all ages to attend our Adult Digital Literacy Series. Thanks to a grant from the Vermont Country Store and sponsorship by Mary Mitchell Miller Real Estate, Wilder Memorial Library will be offering a series of six basic level classes, part presentation and part hands on practice, for adults on different digital topics.
With ten slots per class, an RSVP is required to attend. Call 802-824-4307 or email wilderweston@gmail.com to RSVP. Each class will start at 10:30 AM at the library and will be lead by Eric Read of Eclectic Technologies or Virgil Fuller from the Vermont Library Association.
The schedule is as follows:
Friday, October 23rd--Listen Up! Vermont eBook Training
Tuesday, November 3rd--Twitter 101
Tuesday, November 17th--Facebook 101
We hope to see you at the library and look forward to helping to expand your digital horizons at the library!