Vermont Open Farm Week: Come See Us at Pine Island Community Farm!

Past event
Aug 7 to 8, 2015

If you've brought us a Christmas Tree, you already know how to find Pine Island Community Farm. But wouldn't you like to see the farm on a glorious summer day? We're part of Vermont's Open Farm Week and are welcoming visitors on Friday, August 7th and Saturday, August 8th from 10-4. You'll get a chance to meet our friendly goats, we'll help you make a wildflower bouquet, we'll share recipes (and tastings) for ways to make nutritious meals out of common weeds such as Lambs Quarter, and we'll have hay wagon rides for our visitors 10 years and younger. Plus, you'll get a chance to savor Pine Island's lovely riverine property and meet some of our New American goat farmers and gardeners.

The Open Farm weekend ends (for us) on Saturday afternoon with a pot-luck community goat roast from 4-7 pm (goat served at 5:00). Bring a dish to share for 10-12 people and silverware for your family. $10 contribution/family requested from those who can afford it (for the meal only, not for the farm visit).

Want to volunteer for the event? Your help would be most welcome...check out our VolunteerSpot sign-up at (IVolunteering with us is a great way to get your City Market member-worker hours...thanks City Market!)

All this is coming up next weekend...hope to see you there! We're at 1029 Pine Island Road in Colchester (off Mallets Bay Avenue).

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