Peacham Library Summer Series - Purposeful Travel Aug. 6

Past event
Aug 6, 2015, 7 to 9 PM

Morris McCain and Charlie Byron present: "On the Road with Road Scholar: Educational Travel to Turkey, Peru, China, and the Dalmatian Coast" on Thursday, August 6 at 7pm.

Charlie and Morris will discuss their over five years of travel with the Road Scholar program and describe the attractions and pitfalls of being shown the world instead of exploring it on your own. They will also present the joys of taking friends with you and making new friends along the way. Morris McCain is (by coincidence) a Rhodes Scholar who studied and taught political science for twenty years and recently completed a second career with the Social Security Administration in Boston. Charlie Byron worked at Interactive Data, a financial information firm, for over 30 years in a variety of product management and planning roles.

Future talk: August 20 – “A Journey of Discovery” with Beatrice DeRocco Ring

Peacham Library programs are free and open to the public. For further information, contact Peacham Library at 592-3216 or

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