Book Launch for Julia Shipley at the Galaxy Bookshop

Past event
Aug 4, 2015, 7 to 8 PM

Join us in celebrating the release of Julia Shipley's new collection of poetry, ACADEMY OF HAY, on Tuesday, August 4th, at 7 p.m. at The Galaxy Bookshop. We are thrilled to host the book launch for this gracious and talented Northeast Kingdom poet.
Julia lives in Craftsbury, where she lives, writes, and farms. She is an independent journalist, farminista, and the author of ADAM'S MARK: Writing From the Ox House (Plowboy Press, 2014), selected as a Boston Globe Best Books of 2014. Her writing has also appeared in more than a dozen publications, including Alimentum: The Literature of Food, Cincinnati Review, and Orion. A two-time recipient of grants from the Vermont Community Fund and the Vermont Arts Council, she’s also been a fellow at The Frost Place and The Studios of Key West.

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