Progressive Party Happy Hour - You're Invited

Past event
Jul 30, 2015

The Burlington Progressive Party is holding another Happy Hour next Thursday (7/30) at 5:30pm at Citizen Cider on Pine Street. It's an opportunity to meet new friends and chat about some of the issues facing our community. Join us for a casual night out, a drink, and some good conversation. All are welcome.

When: Thursday, July 30th at 5:30pm
Where: Citizen Cider on Pine St.

The Vermont Progressive Party is the most successful third party in the nation, and has more elected officials to state and local office than all other third parties combined. VPP is the only major party in Vermont that is firmly non-corporate: we will never accept corporate or superPAC donations, nor will any of our candidates, because we are opposed to big-money influencing politics. Our primary concern is strengthening Vermont's working- and middle-class families, and making it possible for regular people to run for office. For more about our Party, visit

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