Ice Cream - Good for the Soul

Past event
Aug 2, 2015

Summertime soul food in Vermont can be summed up in two words - ICE CREAM. On August 2, we'll be making sundaes from that summer soul food on the Westford Town Common. Close your eyes and picture two scoops of Ben & Jerry's ice cream drizzled with caramel, a small heaping of whipped cream, and a cherry on top. Is your soulful stomach speaking to you yet? Feel free to close your eyes again, and substitute the toppings of your choice (chocolate sauce, maple syrup, sprinkles, etc.).

Do something good for your soul. Westford Ice Cream Social and Band Concert - Sunday, August 2 - 6:30pm-8pm - on the Town Common - $1.50/scoop (includes all the toppings) with proceeds to benefit operation and restoration of the Brick Meeting House. This is a rain or shine event - in case of rain, ice cream service and band concert will be in the Brick Meeting House.

Alex Weinhagen,, 777-3995 (cell/text), 878-5804 (home)

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