Hinesburg 8th Annual Fall Festival

Past event
Sep 28, 2013, 10 AM to 4 PM

Well it’s that time of year again; get ready for the 8th annual Hinesburg Fall Festival!!!

Activities including the farmers market, live music, art show, street performer, puppet show and a historical society presentation will all start at 10 AM and go until 4 PM at the Hinesburg town hall. A schedule of events will be posted around town and on the town website. To finish off the day we will have a community Stone Soup Supper at the NRG building starting at 6 PM. This dinner is put on by the Hinesburg Land Trust and will benefit the Hinesburg Food Shelf.

Please tell your family, friends and neighbors and join us for this wonderful community event!

If you have questions you can contact Sally or Chuck Reiss at 482-3295 Dinner tickets can be bought in advance at the Town Hall Rec Dept Contact Jen at 482-2096 Ext #6

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