Upper Back, Neck & Shoulder Feldenkrais® Series Contact # Update Info
In the my first attempt to post information on this series I had neglected to include contact information so here goes one more time. TT
Upper Back, Neck & Shoulder - 6 week Feldenkrais® series
Location: Common House at Ten Stones Circles , Charlotte (next to Shelburne Orchard)
Date: Every Thursday from 10:30am - 11:30am (6 week series starts Sept. 19)
Cost: $75
Registration: info@vermontfeldenkrais.com Contact number(802) 735.3770
This Feldenkrais® series is designed to help you to integrate your upper back, shoulders and neck to experience comfort and a greater range of motion. You will learn to alleviate stress and find more flexibility by using your whole self.
Uwe Mester, Guild Certified Feldenkrais practitioner, will teach a 6-week series of Awareness through Movement® lessons that are safe, simple and an effective practice that anyone can do. You do not need prior experience to enjoy this 6 week series. Please bring a mat or blanket with you and wear comfortable clothes. For more information about the Feldenkrais-Method®, directions, testimonials etc. please visit www.vermontfeldenkrais.com
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